Favorite Memories

I have three favorite me from this school year. One of my favorite memories from this school year was working on my 20% project! For six weeks we got to study and learn more about a topic of our choice and I chose painting! Throughout the weeks I got to paint with my friends in core class while they worked on their project of choice! I learned some new tips and tricks from my artsy fartsy friends and it really helped me progress with my painting. My second memory I loved was the staff vs students basketball night game! I had a lot of fun with my friends and being able to help run the score board! My third and final memory is woodshop! I loved being able to create fun and new projects this year with all of my friends! It was really fun and the projects turned out as pretty good gifts!

20% Project-Week 6

For my 20% project I am doing painting. This week I accomplished finishing a small side painting of disco ball cherries, starting my tri-fold, and starting the 2 day process of a giant art piece. I struggled on not having enough supplies, and pictures for my tri-fold because I was hyper focused on the paintings and not thinking about gathering information for my tri-fold. Adjustments that I will make moving forward will include checking the daily agenda before leaving for school, and setting reminders for myself to bring my needed supplies. Next time I will be finishing my tri-fold by adding photos and captions and after school that day I will be spending more of my after school time on my giant art piece and concluding that process. I will also prepare and figure out what I am going to be talking about and showing other people at the after school event.

Mi Madre

My mum is the most influential woman in my life. My mummy is very influential to me because she is a strong, persistent, and kind woman and she has always been such a supportive role model towards me. One of my favorite memories that I have remembered about her was when we first got my dog. I was in my room doing absolutely nothing but then my dad called me out to go help my mom unload the groceries so I said “I can’t I’m busy doing homework right now.” But I didn’t quite think that through t because it was in the middle of summer so he said “baloney” so I went out to go unload the groceries with an attitude but to my surprise my mom comes around the corner of my big white car with a little blond puppy. I was immediately in love with her and we decided to name her Tilly! My mom is such a special person to me and I really appreciate all of the small things that she does for me such as making me lunch, or taking me to soccer practice! This is why my mom is such a special person in my life to me.

20% Project-Week 5

For my 20% project I am doing painting and this week I worked on finishing my final touches to sketching out my painting and preparing it for the real paint. I accomplished figuring out what flowers looked better on the canvas and which ones didn’t appear nicely. I also got my mom’s opinion on certain things because I am gifting these painting to her for Mother’s Day! I struggled on getting the whole sketch on the canvas done before next week because I still have quite a bit to do. I don’t have any adjustments to make throughout this week but we will see what happens next week! Later this week at home I will paint all of the flowers on the canvas and add some final touches to the final painting. Next week I will be starting my tri-fold by adding pictures and writing captions! Once that is done I will make some small side paintings to show all of the different styles and techniques that I have learned throughout my painting journey!

Rad Reading April

This month I read the book If Only I had Told Her by Laura Nowlin. This story was about the life of a boy named Finn. He has always loved this girl named Autumn but never can come to the fact that he does and how he needs to tell her how he feels. Throughout the story you get to experience their ups and downs through their lives and it’s truly a roller coaster of adventures. I loved the book because it was separated into three sections. The first section was in Finns point of view, the second section was through Jacks point of view which is Finns best friend, then the last section was through Autumns point of view. My favorite character was Finn because even though he was there for a short part of the story, it was a short but sweet way to show me how kind, compassionate, and loving Finn was. A quote that shows this is “ My friend. My dream. My love.” Pg. 86. This shows me how Finn feels about Autumn because it isn’t something that he is physically saying. It is something that he is thinking! That proves that he truly feels this way and he isn’t just saying it because he feels like he should. I also got so many different opinions on Finn from all of his friends and family throughout the story, and all of them concluded to Finn being a kind, and compassionate person that never cared about what people thought and would always stick up for his piers that were in need of a friend to be there for them. My favorite quote from the story is “If only I’d told her that I loved her years ago, I wouldn’t be here now.” This is meaningful to me because I love how it is including the title in the sentence. It really ties together the whole thing and it makes the book feel concluded and shows me how Finn feels and it represents how he sees the situation. This is why I loved If Only I had Told Her by Laura Nowlin.

20% Project Week 4- Painting

For my 20% project I am doing painting and this week I worked on starting to sketch out the flowers for my painting. I accomplished getting some of the flowers sketched out on my canvas and figuring out how to get the flowers drawn out quickly and easily. Some of my struggles included fitting the right amount of flowers on my canvas and getting the right sizes of flowers so that when I get to the real painting part, I can still paint inside the lines and its not to small. Next week I will need to adjust how prepared I am for the day. I need to adjust this because I didn’t get as much done as I was planning on getting done. I think that the cause of this was probably because I didn’t have my reference photo ready for me and it took me a while for me to find that photo again. Next week I am going to finish sketching out the flowers and depending on time I may start to paint and fill in the flowers!

Painting-20% Project Week 3

I’m For my 20% project I did painting and this week I am working on painting the background and getting the tracings of the flowers down onto the canvas. I accomplished getting the background with an even texture and even color. I struggled with my patience on waiting for the background to dry but other than that everything when smoothly and well. Next week I am going to need to bring some more stuff for me to get it done more efficiently like a cup for water, a blow dryer to dry the paint quicker so I can move on to the next step quicker. Next week I am going to start off by making some final touches to the tracing of the flowers then start to fill them in with toilet paper, glue, baking soda, paint and who knows what else there will be! See you next time for next week’s 20% project blog.

Best Room

The best room of all time in my house is my kitchen. This is my favorite room for three reasons. Number one is, there are so many different amenities within the radius of the kitchen. My kitchen it is a big open layout that flows into my large living room with a MASSIVE T.V. that is able to be seen from my large island in my kitchen. Our kitchen is pretty modern with marble countertops, white backsplash with a very light bit of grey marble within, dark hardwood floors, white cabinet’s, and all silver appliances. The kitchen, hallway, dining room, big living room, and small living room/sitting room are all connected together into one open layout. My second reason is the food. When I’m in the kitchen I don’t have to worry about having to get up and walk all the way to the kitchen from anywhere else in the house. When I’m in the kitchen Im about two steps away from all of the food. And my third and final reason of why my kitchen is my favorite room is because of the family. At first it may not make sense but once I explain you will get it. The kitchen is the place where everyone hangs out and by everyone I mean all of my family. Im in the kitchen a lot because I love that even if people are in the living room, I’m still with them because our rooms are connected. And I can stay in the kitchen the whole time because I just want to eat. This is why the kitchen is the best room in my entire house.

Painting-20% Project Week 2

For my 20% project I’m doing painting and this week I was working on all of the different methods to create a thick and textured paint. I accomplished three different types of methods that create a good thick paint for me to draw more realistic 3D flowers. One of the ways includes toilet paper, glue, and acrylic paint. I shape the toilet paper into the shape that I fancy, then glue it down to the canvas. After its glues down, I put a couple of drops of glue on the toilet paper, then spread it out going towards the edge so it will stay. This gives it that realistic flower look. My second method was using baking soda! I combined acrylic paint, and baking soda to creat a paste that’s almost like watered down clay. My third and final method was puffy paint. I paint a flower petal with normal acrylic paint then once it dries I outline it in puffy paint. My accomplishments were figuring out what works so that I know what methods work most pretty, and efficiently. I struggled on figuring out how to get the perfect shape and size with the toilet paper. I don’t need to make any adjustments to my painting techniques because so far its all working! Next week I am going to start my first painting by sketching out my entire painting and depending on how much time I have left I may get to start painting!

Summer Awaits

I have been waiting for summer this whole year and it is finally close! Don’t get me wrong I love school and seeing my teachers and friends, but there’s something about summer that gives me the sense of relief, relaxation, and freedom! I have been preparing myself for summer for a while now. I’ve done things like move my winter clothes to the bottom of my drawers and move my summer clothes to the top. Or start to get my summer tan on, by laying in my backyard with a bathing suit on. (btw I don’t even have a pool) With the UV index being 8 when its only April, its close and I wont be hit by surprise when summer finally comes. (Which is in approximately 37 days 13 hours and 25 minutes) This summer I have so much to come such as two beach house trips, soccer games, house boat trips, lake house, Palm Springs, and so much more! Those are just a few reasons why I am ready and out of this world excited for this upcoming summer!